What will people say about our generation in 50 years? What will they say in 100? Looking back in history we condemn, and rightfully so, those who deemed other people as inferior beings because of their ethnicity. We condemn those of the Holocaust who slaughtered millions: Jews, Gypsies, and the mentally/physically infirm. Yet we have our own slaughter houses in our own towns and do little about it: Planned Parenthood. We have less and less of an issue with the concept of "euthanasia" of the critically ill and those who have poorer quality of life than we deem appropriate. What should Christians do? It varies. For some, going out and picketing on street corners and protesting at clinics would be what Christ has asked for them to do. For others it may be that they should devote a portion of their time to volunteering at, or working for, their local pro-life clinic; perhaps as a secretary or as a counselor. Then there are those who maybe should donate goods or money to their local pro-life clinic. Maybe instead go about preaching the Gospel: that we are wretched sinners who can be saved because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, who lived the perfect life we cannot and paid our fine; that through repentance and faith we will be saved. Upon salvation people learning the value of the preborn, elderly, and infirm. Or perhaps it would be to pray that God would move among the people of this nation and change the hearts of the people and our leaders.
A couple resources that you may find useful are
Abort 73 - not for little eyes, it has images of abortions. However, it has many resources for those of high school age and above to wear, say, and handout.
Blood Money
The Silent Scream - not for little eyes, has a video of an abortion proceedure with other pro-life resources.
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